Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
God desires all to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:4). We see children as an important part of that “all.” Our Kids’ Church coordinators provide a safe, positive, and educational atmosphere for our children to make friends, have fun, and learn about Jesus and the Bible.
What is the age breakdown for children’s classes?
We currently provide Sunday morning classes during the church service for the following ages:
Middle school and high school youth sit in the main service on Sundays, and have youth group meetings after church, twice a month. Please refer to our calendar for upcoming youth group dates.
- Nursery (birth through 3-years-old)
- Preschool + Kindergarten (3-years-old through Kindergarten)
- Young Elementary (1st through 3rd grade)
- Older Elementary (4th through 6th grade)
Middle school and high school youth sit in the main service on Sundays, and have youth group meetings after church, twice a month. Please refer to our calendar for upcoming youth group dates.
When do children’s classes take place?
Nursery drop off begins at 10:55am, while all other classes stay in the sanctuary to participate in worship, then are dismissed during post-worship prayer. Parents and guardians may pick up their children immediately after the main service ends.
What curriculum do you use for your children’s classes?
For preschoolers through 6th grade, HCA uses Gospel Project curriculum, a Christ-centered and chronological Bible study which is theologically rich and missionally minded.
Does Hilliard Christian Assembly have a youth group?
Our goal at HCA is to integrate our youth into the body of Christ by being active participants in service, fellowship, and Bible study with the help of the church family.
7th grade and older sit in the main service with family and friends on Sunday mornings. Twice a month, after the Sunday service, the middle school and high school age youth have lunch together and then break into groups for Bible Study and fellowship.
7th grade and older sit in the main service with family and friends on Sunday mornings. Twice a month, after the Sunday service, the middle school and high school age youth have lunch together and then break into groups for Bible Study and fellowship.